Indonesian Traditional recipes is very unix taste n very delicius

Seasoned Chicken / Chicken Sarundeng

·      ½-1 kg chicken cut according to taste.
·      Buy galangal / laos minced 1 ounce or smoothed itself by ground / shredded
·      2 cloves garlic
·      Ginger 1-1 ½ cm size
·      Tamarind I wrap
·      Salt to taste

How to make :
·      Finely minced ginger and garlic.
·      Smear on the chicken that had been washed and give half a glass of water that has
been crushed tamarind and deseeded and salt to taste.
·      Boil (said) the chicken until half cooked over medium heat, turning occasionally
·      Then ready to be fried along with the spices over medium heat until cooked
/ brownish yellow.
·      Good luck!

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